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  Gatineau …Melanie Mercier…. Gatineau …Emmanuelle Hupe…. Reince Priebus is chairman of the Republican National Committee. Cornwall …Stacie King…. Objections of various kinds were raised. Hypollto Amante.  

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Chelsea …Sarah Hebert….. Chelsea …Serge Couture….. Chelsea …Sophie Brunet….. Chelsea …Yvan Dion….. Chelsea …Matthew Campbell….. Chesterville …Sarah Derks….. Chesterville …James Thibault….. Clarence Rockland …Donelda Pleau….. Constance Bay …Lee Saunders….. Constance Bay …Abigail Fontaine….. Cornwall …Andre Brunet….. Cornwall …Carolyn McIntosh….. Cornwall …Cathy Richer….. Cornwall …Christine Marceau….. Cornwall …Elizabeth Wattie…..

Cornwall …Gilles Gagnier….. Cornwall …Jennifer Deschamps….. Cornwall …Jessica Eamer….. Cornwall …Jill Grant….. Cornwall …Joanne Filliol…..

Cornwall …John St. Cornwall …Kathleen Hay….. Cornwall …Lise Irwin….. Cornwall …Marc Besner….. Cornwall …Marc Poirier….. Cornwall …Marilyn Rand…..

Cornwall …Mike Cowden….. Cornwall …Patrick Clarke….. Cornwall …Sandra Contant….. Cornwall …Scott Heath….. Cornwall …Sharron Miller….. Cornwall …Shawn Crockett….. Cornwall …Stacie King….. Cornwall …Tanya Deeks….. Cornwall …Terry Quenneville….. Cornwall …Thomas Leroux….. Cornwall …Yvonne Commodore…..

Cornwall …Melissa Wren….. Cumberland …Rich Boughen….. Cumberland …Shelley Slocombe….. Cumberland …Ted Lowther….. Cumberland …Greg Mark….. Deep River …John Speirs….. Deep River …Murray Wright….. Deep River …Norman Spinks….. Deep River …Christine Andrus….. Dunrobin …Debra Gassewitz….. Dunrobin …Gordon Colquhoun….. Dunrobin …James Dalziel….. Dunrobin …Janet Campbell….. Dunrobin …Jennifer Damiano…..

Dunrobin …Joanne Montgomery….. Dunrobin …Laurie Spratt….. Dunrobin …Linda Dillon….. Dunrobin …Lois Jacobs….. Dunrobin …Marnie Armstrong….. Dunrobin …Matt Gassewitz….. Dunrobin …Neil Wright….. Dunrobin …Pamela Colquhoun….. Dunrobin …Paul Lefebvre….. Dunrobin …Robert Armstrong…..

Dunrobin …Wayne Carroll….. Dunrobin …Ben Prince….. Edwards …Erin Searson Clouthier….. Eganville …Mike Searson….. Eganville …Garrett Doreleyers….. Elgin …Marianne Lowry….. Elgin …Shannon Clair….. Elgin …Andy Dalcourt….. Embrun …Bertran Labonte…..

Embrun …Camilien Lamadeleine….. Embrun …Caroline Poulin….. Embrun …Cheryl Desroches….. Embrun …David Ryan….. Embrun …Eric Deschamps….. Embrun …Guy Gingras….. Embrun …Helene Desormeau….. Embrun …Helose Sirois-Leclerc….. Embrun …James Thompson-Slaven….. Embrun …Katherine Krenn….. Embrun …Marc Courneyea….. Embrun …Martine Quinn….. Embrun 65…Pierre Boulay…..

Embrun …Rachelle Quinn….. Embrun …Richard Quinn….. Embrun …Robert Butler….. Embrun …Robert Lindsay….. Embrun …Roxane Belanger….. Embrun …Stephane Gregoire….. Embrun …Sylvie Beauchamp….. Embrun …Yolande Dalcourt….. Embrun …Jay Buhr….. Finch …Jean-Luc Leonard…..

Finch …Glenda O'rourke….. Fitzroy Harbour …Denise Roy….. Fournier …Gregory Long….. Gananoque …Jason Lapierre….. Gananoque …Kiera Long….. Gananoque …Laura Cunningham….. Gananoque …Pierre Doucette….. Gananoque …Steacy Kavaner….. Gananoque …Walter Gamblin….. Gananoque …Adeline Germain….. Gatineau …Agathe Binette…..

Gatineau …Alain Bergeron….. Gatineau …Alain Gilbert….. Gatineau …Alex Gagne….. Gatineau …Alex Wright…..

Gatineau …Alexander Schwab….. Gatineau …Alexandra Miglietta….. Gatineau …Alexandre Boudreault….. Gatineau …Alexandre Larocque….. Gatineau …Alexandria Wilson….. Gatineau …Allan Wilson….. Gatineau …Andree Laflamme….. Gatineau …Andree Soucy….. Gatineau …Andrew Roach….. Gatineau …Anelise Alarcon-Moreno….. Gatineau …Anik Lalonde….. Gatineau …Ankica Djurcic-Jovan….. Gatineau …Anne Pilote….. Gatineau …Anne-Marie Chapman….. Gatineau …Anne-Michele Alain-Noel….. Gatineau …Annie Cloutier….. Gatineau …Annie Guillette…..

Gatineau …Annie Lambert….. Gatineau …Anthony Chartier….. Gatineau …Antoine Langlois….. Gatineau …Antoine Parker….. Gatineau …Audrey Vezina Manzo….. Gatineau …Augusto Gamero….. Gatineau …Barnabe Ndarishikanye….. Gatineau …Barry Wood….. Gatineau …Benoit Carbonneau…..

Gatineau …Benoit Gagnon….. Gatineau …Benoit Genest….. Gatineau …Benoit Guerette….. Gatineau …Bernard Audy….. Gatineau …Bernard Labine….. Gatineau …Blair Mehan….. Gatineau …Brenda Cox….. Gatineau …Brian Piche….. Gatineau …Brigitte Hubert….. Gatineau …Bruno Castonguay….. Gatineau …Carlos Pinera….. Gatineau …Carole Varin…..

Gatineau …Caroline Dulude….. Gatineau …Caroline Sauve….. Gatineau …Caroline St-Pierre….. Gatineau …Carolyne Dube….. Gatineau …Catherine Belair-Noel….. Gatineau …Catherine Pelletier….. Gatineau …Caty Lebreux….. Gatineau …Celine Couture….. Gatineau …Chad Levac….. Gatineau …Chantal Henri….. Gatineau …Chris Duplain….. Gatineau …Christian Bourgeois….. Gatineau …Christian F. Gatineau …Christian Jacques…..

Gatineau …Christian Renaud….. Gatineau …Christian Robert….. Gatineau …Christian Rousseau….. Gatineau …Christina Chirip…..

Gatineau …Christine Chouinard….. Gatineau …Christine Hearn….. Gatineau …Christine Vasseur….. Gatineau …Christopher Daniel….. Gatineau …Cinthia Lepine….. Gatineau …Claude Laramee….. Gatineau …Claude Wauthier….. Gatineau …Craig Beckett….. Gatineau …Cristiano Rezende….. Gatineau …Cynthia Savard…..

Gatineau …Cyr Lavoie….. Gatineau …Dani Grandmaitre….. Gatineau …Daniel Grenier….. Gatineau …Danny Jeannot….. Gatineau 61…Dany Beliveau….. Gatineau …Darya Shapka….. Gatineau …David Blais….. Gatineau …David Currie….. Gatineau …Denis Fugere….. Gatineau …Denis Ladouceur….. Gatineau …Dominique Babin….. Gatineau …Dominique Bernier….. Gatineau …Dominique Cornut….. Gatineau …Doug Welsby….. Gatineau …Elaine Laroche….. Gatineau …Elizabeth Sousa….. Gatineau …Emmanuelle Hupe….. Gatineau …Eric Doyon….. Gatineau …Eric Guay…..

Gatineau …Eric Patry….. Gatineau …Eric Silins….. Gatineau …Estelle Marcoux….. Gatineau …Felix Noel….. Gatineau …France Gelinas….. Gatineau …Francois Dionne…..

Gatineau …Francois Gagnon….. Gatineau …Francois Laferriere….. Gatineau …Francois Roy….. Gatineau …Francois Toulouse….. Gatineau …Frederic Thibault-Chabot….. Gatineau …Frederick Lafreniere….. Gatineau …Gaetan Lafrance….. Gatineau …Genevieve Bolduc….. Gatineau …Genevieve Fontaine….. Gatineau …Gerald Turmel….. Gatineau …Ghislain St-Laurent….. Gatineau …Gilles Brazeau….. Gatineau …Gilles-Philippe Pronovost….. Gatineau …Gilly Griffin…..

Gatineau …Grant Collier….. Gatineau …Greg Soucy….. Gatineau …Greg Stainton….. Gatineau …Guy Corneau….. Gatineau …Guy Desjardins….. Gatineau …Guylaine Brunet….. Gatineau …Heather Escalante….. Gatineau …Helene Le Scelleur….. Gatineau …Helene Tremblay-Allen….. Gatineau …Herve Morissette….. Gatineau …Hugo Trudel….. Gatineau …Isabelle Caron….. Gatineau …Isabelle Moses….. Gatineau …Isabelle Phaneuf…..

Gatineau …Isabelle Teolis….. Gatineau …Isabelle Veilleux….. Gatineau …J. Gatineau …Jacques De Guille….. Gatineau …James Buell….. Gatineau …Jean-Francois Pouliotte….. Gatineau …Jean-Pascal Paris….. Gatineau …Jean-Philippe Dumont…..

Gatineau …Jean-Pierre Plouffe….. Gatineau …Jennifer Scarizzi….. Gatineau …Jerome Belanger-Cote….. Gatineau …Jinny Williamson…..

Gatineau …Joanne Leblond….. Gatineau …Johanne Audet….. Gatineau …Johanne Finn….. Gatineau 92…Johnny Lemieux….. Gatineau …Jonathan Gilbert…..

Gatineau …Josee Charette….. Gatineau …Josee Labonte….. Gatineau …Josee Patry….. Gatineau …Judith Parisien….. Gatineau …Julie Breton….. Gatineau …Julie Damboise…..

Gatineau …Julie Defoy….. Gatineau …Julie Demers….. Gatineau …Julie Piche….. Gatineau …Julie-Anne Labonte….. Gatineau …Julien Dufort-Lemay….. Gatineau …Karine Leblond….. Gatineau …Karine Pellerin….. Gatineau …Katia Audet….. Gatineau …Katie Webster….. Gatineau …Krista Benoit….. Gatineau …Langis Parise….. Gatineau …Lee Petrin….. Gatineau …Lissa Comtois-Silins….. Gatineau …Livain Michaud….. Gatineau …Lori Mousseau….. Gatineau …Louis Christophe Laurence…..

Gatineau 26…Louis Duchesne….. Gatineau …Louis Dupont….. Gatineau …Louis Hebert….. Gatineau …Louis Simon….. Gatineau …Louise Boudreault….. Gatineau …Louise Fortier….. Gatineau …Louise Rousseau…..

Gatineau …Luc Beaudoin….. Gatineau …Luc Perrier….. Gatineau 11…Luc Santerre….. Gatineau …Lucie Lalonde….. Gatineau …Lynda Beaudoin….. Gatineau …Lyne Cholette….. Gatineau …Lynn Melancon….. Gatineau …Maja Muharemagic….. Gatineau …Manon Damboise…..

Gatineau …Manon Laliberte….. Gatineau …Marc Andre Nault….. Gatineau …Marc Belanger….. Gatineau …Marc Champagne…..

Gatineau …Marc Dureau….. Gatineau …Marc Lacerte….. Gatineau …Marc Mousseau….. Gatineau …Marc Noel….. Gatineau …Marc Parisien….. Gatineau …Marc Tremblay….. Gatineau …Marc-Etienne Lesieur….. Gatineau …Marcia Jones….. Gatineau …Maria Petropoulos….. Gatineau …Marie Rodrigue….. Gatineau …Marie-France Harvey….. Gatineau …Marie-France Rault….. Gatineau …Marie-Josee Desroches….. Gatineau …Marie-Michele Clement….. Gatineau …Mario Dupuis….. Gatineau …Mario Ouellet….. Gatineau …Mark Ellison…..

Gatineau …Mark Laviolette….. Gatineau 7…Mark Schindel….. Gatineau …Mark Stocksley….. Gatineau …Martin Corriveau….. Gatineau …Martin Dompierre….. Gatineau …Martin Freniere….. Gatineau …Martin Labelle….. Gatineau …Martin Labine….. Gatineau …Martin Laforest….. Gatineau …Martin Leduc….. Gatineau …Martine Pellerin…..

Gatineau …Maryse Mercier….. Gatineau …Maryse Robert….. Gatineau …Mateo Farfan….. Gatineau …Mathieu Rioux….. Gatineau …Mathieu Sayeur….. Gatineau …Mathieu Tremblay….. Gatineau …Mathilde Cote….. Gatineau …Maude Lavoie….. Gatineau …Maurice Tremblay….. Gatineau …Maxim Bellemare….. Gatineau …Maxime Brinck-Croteau….. Gatineau …Melanie Desmarais….. Gatineau …Melanie Gauthier….. Gatineau …Melanie Mercier….. Gatineau …Mia Overduin…..

Gatineau …Michel Biage….. Gatineau …Michel Brown….. Gatineau 28…Michel Emond….. Gatineau …Michel Lessard….. Hofmann November 30, F rank Hilstolsky, 83, of Carver- ton, passed away November 30, , at home. Born in Pittston, he was the son of the late Frank and Victoria Hil- stolsky. He was formerly employed at Olympic Pools for 35 years and worked at the family farm. Frankwas a veteranof the Korean Conflict. Frances Cabrini Church, Carver- ton. Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Carverton.

There will be no calling hours. Please include age and hometown. You may also e-mail photos to promotions timesleader. Rahman, M. Patients of all ages welcome. Make her love you even more, one piece of jewelry at a time! Call or email for an appointment today! Custom Design her Engagement Ring. INFO Please inquire about our private dining room for any and all occasions. The real estate tax will re- main at 1. Those paying late after Feb.

Salaries of borough adminis- trative employees also will re- main the same as last year, offi- cials said.

The mulch was not replaced at the boroughs playgroundthis year, which might necessitate the expense of buying newplay- ground mulch next year. Last years extraordinary ex- penses for sewer maintenance and repair because of heavy rainfall were also discussed. Council members were made aware of the need for a good re- serve fund to cover such unex- pected costs. Council will next meet Dec. Taxes and trash fee stay same in Warrior Run Salaries of administrative employees also will remain at their current levels.

Council voted unanimously to keep tax rates at levels, in- cluding:. Debate came when Melissa Weber, secretary-treasurer, ques- tionedsome of the line items. But Kochan argued that, This is just a plan; we can still make chang- es. It was resolved that Weber wouldsuggest changes andemail them to Kochan so that council can advertise and place the pro- posed budget on public display starting Monday.

Weber contended that liquid fuels mon- ey could not be carried over from year-to-year. But Kochan said that past practice had been to in- clude liquid fuels balances in a succeeding years budget. One area of spending that Ko- chan stated is a major increase is in basic street and road mainte- nance.

Kochan has ar- gued in the past that borough streets were in a major state of disrepair. Only Regina Plodwick, chair- man, voted against the budget. She said she wanted to see all the changes before voting to ad- vertise the plan. Council plans to adopt the budget Dec. Tomko Jr. Tomko, Nanti- coke Scott M. Drob, Kelayres, and Tracey D.

Ondrey, Drums, and Thomas J. Limongelli, West Pittston, and Rocco J. Myers and Carole E. Herman Cain The beleaguered contender for the Republican presidential nomination, dogged by accusations of sexual harassment and infidelity, told Fox News Channel earlier this week that he will work to restore his public standing. A statement on his candidacy is expected today. Natural gas pipelines pose threat to liberty I was watching a taped State of Penn- sylvania broadcast when the subject of Marcellus Shale came up.

The guest, a congressman, said, Its going to kick in, referring to eminent domain for natural gas pipelines. Did my neighbors know that I would have to give up my land for pipes to trans- port their gas? Did my neighbors know that the natural gas industry lobbies the government to prevent me from saying no or from even setting the price?

Did my neighbors know that their freedom to use their land would take away my freedom? My observations contradict these ratio- nales. First, if these jobs are so prosperous, why are superstores built for these pros- perous employees to buy products made in China? Second, repeated rhetoric-brain- washing of how clean natural gas is makes me question the gas industrys opinion of the general publics common sense.

The comparison of natural gas to coal infers that gas is clean. Natural gas pollutes. It is a fossil fuel; it pollutes. The cost of that justification will be the burden of all my neighbors of all Americans. Bambi Ilku Springville Men in charge should face scrutiny in scandal F rank Noonan, now state police commis- sioner, apparently had an opportunity to arrest accused child sex abuser Jerry Sandusky in when the entire matter was turned over to the attorney general.

Noonan was the head of the offices crimi- nal investigations at that time. Putting this matter before a grand jury delayed the inevitable. Tom Corbett, who previously was attorney general, should be investigated for this Sandusky matter. Putting Corbett in a lead role with the Penn State Uni- versity trustees is like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Letters should be no more than words. We reserve the right to edit and limit writers to one published letter every 30 days. E-mail: mailbag timesleader. President Obama just cant attract the audiences he once did. Even Sen. Bob Casey, D-Scranton, seeming- ly didnt care to join him.

It is an all-too-telling sign of Obamas plummet- ing popularity in a state that he once won by 10 points. President Obama knows hes in trouble.

Hes made 11 trips to Pennsylvania since January. But countless campaign stops can- not paper over the reason for his unpop- ularity: the litany of broken promises hes made to Pennsylvanians and Americans. Some of the boldest promises were made in Scranton on his last trip to the vice presi- dents hometown in So did he return triumphantly to tout their fulfillment? Hard- ly. For President Obama a promise made is rarely a promise kept. On that trip he proclaimed that job creation would result from government spending on green energy, saying it would lower gas prices and create millions of jobs.

Billions of dollars in spending later, unem- ployment, like gas prices, remains painfully high. Just a few months ago, the California solar- energy company Solyndra went bankrupt, becoming the prime example of stimulus money gone bad. Then theres the housing crisis. Again, in , the president said in Scranton that I have a plan to stabilize the housing market. Millions of homeowners have underwater mortgages, and at least 5 million more fore- closures are expected in the coming years.

But the biggest promise of the Obama candidacy was never a specific policy. He promised to fundamentally change the way politics was done to change the way Wash- ington works. That was the basis of hope and change.

And in many ways that was the basis of his election. Back to Scranton in Obama declared he would be a president who is not playing the usual political games. Since taking of- fice, he hasnt stopped playing political games.

Hes been on a nonstop campaign tour of swing states making more visits than the last two presidents in the same period of time.

On top of that, hes managed to hold 69 fundraisers so far this year. Hes relentlessly attacked Republicans even though, as a candidate, he claimed, I dont try and demonize my opponents. In , he was supposed to be post-partisan. Today, hes become hyper-partisan.

On everything from deficit spending to the stimulus, from health care to regulatory reform, the presidents promises have yet to come true. Pennsylvanians have witnessed his abysmal economic record firsthand. The Keystone State has lost 37, manufactur- ing jobs, and , more people are living in poverty since he took office. Voters have taken note. This week, his approval rating fell below that of Jimmy Carters at the same stage in his presidency.

And in Pennsylvania, only 42 percent approve of the job hes doing, compared to 53 percent who disapprove. While the president continued campaign- ing, Republicans have worked nonstop to promote policies that would accelerate eco- nomic growth.

In Washington, the Repub- licans in the House of Representatives have passed more than 20 bipartisan bills that would directly spur job creation. But for political reasons, the president and Senate Democrats are uninterested. In Harrisburg, Gov. Tom Corbett and Re- publicans in the General Assembly are dedi- cated to getting Pennsylvania back on track.

But Washington Democrats are standing in their way. Their burdensome mandates, onerous regulations and reckless spending are serious obstacles to job creation. By now, its no secret that the election will be a referendum on President Obama. In November, voters will decide whether or not he has fulfilled his promises; if not, hell be a one-term president.

And in Scranton, it looks like voters already have made up their minds they want to change direction. Reince Priebus is chairman of the Republican National Committee.

The Pennsylvania Li- quor Control Boards decision to allow delivery of certain wines and liquors to homes and businesses is pro- gress of a sort.

This small move is really large by the standards of the change-resistant monopoly. It removes the irritation for cus- tomers of having to order their choices from the systems in- ventory and then being re- quired to pick them up at a state store.

But, as always withthe state- owned system, convenience comes belatedly and in small proportions. Only 1, to 2, items from the LCBs 30, products are available, including niche items and spe- cial orders as well as some Chairmans Select wines. A spokeswoman said the LCB debated making this change for several years but held back for fear of enabling underage drinkers to buy alco- hol. Thats a legitimate con- cern and curbing illegal drink- ing is one of the boards statu- tory responsibilities.

But in the end it was done in a sensible way; in making deliveries, UPS drivers will require a signature and valid ID from buyers. That raises the question of why the delivery, with the sim- ple safeguard against underage purchasers, was not allowed years ago.

Every Pennsylva- nian knows the answer: The government monopoly moves slowly. They put not only the health of their own children at risk, but also the health of their friends and classmates.

Yet newstudies showagrow- ing trend in some areas of the country either to forgo child- hood immunizations or to delay the shots until parents think their children are old enough to tolerate a potential negative re- action. An Associated Press analysis coordi- nated with the feder- al Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found one out of 20 kindergartners in eight states didnot takeall of thevac- cinations required to attend school.

More than half of all states saw increases in the number of children receiving immunization exemptions. Meanwhile, a separate study published in a recent edition of the journal Pediatrics found that more than one in 10 par- ents in the United States de- viates from recommended schedules to have children im- munized.

About 2 percent of parents inthat studyrefusedall recommended vaccines. Parents need to heed the warning of the American Acad- emy of Pediatrics that the long- er they delay immunizations, the greater the risk to their child. Last month, this country experienced its largest out- break of measles in 15 years cases. An outbreak of whooping cough, cases, re- cently developed outside Chi- cago in McHenry County, Ill. Some parents apparently are still motivated by a study that linked the measles- mumps-rubella vaccine to au- tism.

But a British doctor, Andrew Wakefield, lost his medical license last year after in- vestigations showed he falsi- fied data in the study. The AP analysis identified most parents who apply to their school districts for immunization exemptions as middle-class, college-edu- cated white people.

The par- ents dont believe mass inocu- lations arethereasonthat most childhood diseases are in de- cline. Actually, it is the success of mass immunization in the United States that has made these parents so bold as to dis- dain them.

Many of these adults simply arent old enough to have memories of what it was like when an out- break of polio could cripple or kill children throughout a com- munity. The courts have the optionto sue over cuts. Further action The budget, whichmust be for- mally adopted by the end of the month, may also be amended by the new member County Council before Feb.

Outgoing commissioners say theyve scraped together all attainable revenue, leavingapropertytaxin- crease as the only means for the newcouncil to avoidcuts. Commissioners Maryanne Pe- trillaandStephenA. Urbanadopt- ed the budget. The commissioners said it will beuptocountydepartmentheads andthe newmanager andcouncil to determine which employees arefurloughedtocomplywiththe newbudget.

This is a tough economy not onlyforthepeopleinthisbuilding but the people inthis county, Ur- ban said, pointing to the countys 9. Peoplearehurtingall over. Were going to live withinour means. Citizenweighs in Taxpayer Ed Chesnovitch, an advocate for the new home rule government, saidcommissioners should implement the staff cuts immediatelyif theybelievereduc- tions are necessary and wont hamper county operations.

Youre putting it off to the homerulefor next year. Yourego- ingtodumpit ontothemtodoit, Chesnovitchsaid. Petrilla said revenue must dic- tate expenses. If I was going to be a commis- sioner next year , I would be sit- ting here today adopting this same budget, knowing that I wouldhave tolive withinthe con- fines of the budget, so Im not dropping anything on anybodys lap.

Getting by withmillions of dol- lars incuts will betough, sheac- knowledged. Im very worried about this budget.

Its as lean as lean can be, but the taxpayers cant afford an- other tax increase, Petrilla said. Taxes would remain at 5. Urban told Chesnovitch com- missioners have reduced the county workforce in recent years. The proposed budget does not includemillions of dollars inreve- nuethat maycomeinfromthepo- tential sale of the former Valley Crest Nursing Home and a Tri- ple-A baseball franchise co-own- ed with Lackawanna County, whichcouldgenerateawindfall for the new administration, he said.

Commissioners understand what may be cut because theyre working full time in the county, saidUrban, a county councilman- elect. He said the part-time coun- cil members couldvote onwhat- ever somebody shoves in front of them. He saidhe wouldfeel sorry for this county in the future if the new council raises taxes and in- creases the budget based on un- justified arguments from manag- ers that they need their funding restored.

Inmyopinion, theyarevindic- tive, evil people and are taking their last shot at me because I stooduptothemandcouldnot be compromised to stoop to their level of badgovernment,Medico Olenginski said.

They saidthe newcounty man- ager anddivisionchiefs will beac- countable for ensuring that ser- vices are providedwithinbudget, whether its the budget adopted by commissioners or one amend- edby council. We replaced them fairly quickly after they were discovered stolen. Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries or damage to vehicles as a result of the thefts in the city. Hanover Township police said a storm-drain cover was discovered sto- len Thursday from the Oaklawn Ceme- tery on South Main Street, and covers were missing this week throughout Wilkes-Barre Township.

Storm-drain covers are approximately 48 inches by 26 inches, weigh about to pounds, and are manufactured in cast iron or steel. Removing the covers opens catch basins that are 3 to 5 feet deep. When open, they pose a hazard to pedestrians and vehicles. At least one recycling center, Allan In- dustries Recyclers in Wilkes-Barre Township, began refusing to accept storm grates from customers this week.

The missing grates opened catch basins that were 3 feet deep and created a hazard for mu- nicipal officials checking on the levee during the flood, police said. Police charged Nicholas Crawford, 27, of Avoca, and Raymond John Dzie- wit, 30, of Pittston, with stealing the grates, which police found at a scrap yard in Moosic.

If a person happens to be injured by falling into a catch basin, the culprit could face additional charges in addi- tion to the theft offense, said Luzerne County First Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Tokach. Tokach said the intentional theft of a storm-drain cover that results in a per- son suffering injury may result in a reck- less endangerment charge. Its engaging in conduct that places or may place another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury, To- kach said.

Our severe weather here is flooding, and to predict that river level, itsall about howmuchwater has fallen, Heden said.

If we get accurate rainfall level measure- ments, the river crest heights are very accurate. Where we struggle is predicting these isolated areas that get more. About 90 volunteer weather spotters fromLuzerne County are registered with the National Weather Service, but in Septem- ber, when the Susquehanna River crested at an unprecedented high level and flooded several commu- nities, only three volunteers re- ported rainfall regularly. The service thinks it can do bet- ter byswellingits ranks of spotters andmaking it easier to report con- ditions.

In addition to calling an number, weather spotters can now submit reports through the services website and via Face- book. An optimistic sign came last week, when the NWS hosted the sametrainingworkshopfor Lacka- wannaCountyresidents inJessup. More than turned out, versus the 20 to 30 who had attended in years past.

I think people are more in tune with the weather because weve hadsomuchrainrecently, Heden said. Sothegeneral publicismore interestedintheweather.

But even without that there are a lot of weather enthusiasts out there. There are a lot of people watching the Weather Channel that might havearaingaugeat home. Theyre alreadymeasuring; wejust needto get in touch with them. Being a weather spotter is not difficult measuring snow re- quires only a ruler at minimum, andchildrenare encouragedtobe- come spotters, Heden said. But its an important task that can save lives.

The same systems used to report daily snowfall can be usedto report more severe con- ditions. We cant just issue a warning andsayour jobis done, we needto get accurate information out to let peopleknowthethreat isreal,He- den said. If we get information of golf-ball-size hail or a funnel cloud sighting, we put all that in the re- port. Andsoit reallyprotects lives, becausepeoplearemuchmoreapt to take the warning seriously when they have a confirmation that its happening. Somethinggoodis stirringintheU.

The stock market rallied at the open- ing bell, after the report came out, but finished flat for the day. It was still up points for the week. The only bigger point gain in a week was in October , when stocks lurched higher and lower during the financial crisis.

The report showed that September and October were stronger months for the job market than first estimated. For four months in a row, the government has revised job growth figures higher for previous months.

September was revised up by 52, jobs, for a gain of , October was revised up by 20,, for a gain of , Unemployment peakedat It dipped to 8. The rate fell not just because people foundjobs. About ,peoplesimply gave up looking for work, and were no longer counted as unemployed. People routinely enter and leave the work force, though , is more than usual. Obama, whofaces a re-electionvote in less than a year and a presidential cam- paign that will turn on the economy, seized on the decline to argue for ex- panding a cut in the tax that workers pay toward Social Security.

The tax cut affects million Amer- icans. It will expire Dec. Republicans and Democrats have sup- ported an extension but differ on howto pay for it. The Senate on Thursday de- feated plans from both parties.

Republi- cans had proposed paying for the cut by freezing the pay of federal workers through Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery. Right now its time to step on the gas, Obama said Fri- day. Inside the unemployment report, one of the most closely watchedindicators of the economys health, were signs of im- provement for small businesses, which employ or fewer people and account for half the jobs in the private sector.

The government uses a survey of mostly large companies and govern- ment agencies to determine how many jobs were added or lost each month. It uses a separate survey of households to determine the unemployment rate. The household survey picks up hiring by companies of all sizes, including small businesses andcompanies just get- ting off the ground. It also includes farm workers and the self-employed, who arent included in the survey of compa- nies. The household survey has shown an average of , jobs created per month since July, compared with an av- erage of 13, the first seven months of the year.

When the economy is either improv- ing or slipping into recession, many economists say, the household survey does the better jobof pickingupthe shift because it detects small business hiring. We might finally be seeing new busi- ness creation expand again, which is critical to the sustainability of the recov- ery, said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial, a financial servic- es company.

The National Federation of Independ- ent Business, a small business group, said Friday that its own survey of small companies in November found that more of them are planning to add work- ers than at any time since September , when the financial crisis struck.

The unemployment rate fell last month to its lowest level in more than two and a half years, as employers stepped up hiring in response to the slowly improving economy. Those names are grapplers whohave hadsuccess for their re- spective District 2 high schools. Lake-Lehman products Shane Stark and Jordan Juinta are a few of the other well-known names who just joined the teamthis sea- son.

TheColonels, whoarecurrent- lyranked11thinthe nationinthe NWCA Poll, want to finish ranked in the top 10 for the first timeincoachJonLaudenslagers nine-year tenure. The team appears to be in good shape early to accomplish the feat with all but one starter returning from last years squad which finished ranked 13th last year despitearecord.

The Colonels could also be on course to claim the Metropolitan Con- ference championship. Suhs appeal of a suspension was denied Friday by Art Shell, jointly appointed by the NFL and the players association to hear such cases. Suh will miss Sun- days game at New Orleans and a Dec. He can return for practice Dec. On Tuesday, the league suspended Suh and the player appealed.

Shell, however, saw no merits to the appeal during a conference call with Suh on Thursday. Lions president Tom Lewand issued a statement saying the club respects the disciplinary process and added obviously, to- days ruling does not impact our preparations for this weeks game.

We remainexclusivelyfocusedon the NewOrleans Saints. Usually, ahearingisheldwithin 10 days of an appeal, but the league expedited Suhs high-pro- file case so a decision could be made before Sundays game. Suh is barred frompractice and the teams facility while suspend- ed.

Acontrite Jim Boeheim apologized again Friday night after another big victory. The beleaguered Syracuse basketball coachsaidhehadtalk- edtosome people inthe commu- nity and wanted to make three points clear after the No. I believe I misspoke very bad- ly in my response to the allega- tions that have been made. I shouldnt have questioned what the accusers expressed or their motives.

I am really sorry that I did that, and I regret any harm that I caused, he said. It was insensitive for the indi- viduals involved and especially to the overall issue of child abuse.

He also said it was important that he get involved in terms of raising awareness. They needtoget the message out, he said.

Imgoing to do ev- erything I can to do that, wheth- er Imcoachingor not coaching. Boeheim apologizes following victory The Syracuse coach said he regrets comments made while defending Bernie Fine. They simply turned on the power. Joey Mormina and Eric Tan- gradi both scored power play goals Friday night and the Pen- guins tightened their defense enough to push past Portland, at Mohegan Sun Arena.

I thought it was a prettycom- pleteeffort for eachperiod, inall phases of the game, said Pen- guins coach John Hynes, whose team improved to over- all. It was complete domination by the Penguins, from nearly start to finish.

After Brett MacLean gave Portland a lead on an ob- scured shot less than four min- utes into the night, the Pen- guins gained the advantage by the end of the first period and never relinquished it. We feel like weve played 20, maybe 40 minutes of goodhock- ey in the past, said Tangradi, who notched his first goal since returning from parent Pitts- burgh on Nov.

Tonight was our first minute effort. The effort was there all the way through. The Penguins got off to a good start in December by downing the Pirates LaMichael James ran for yards and three touchdowns and No. The former Bruins quarter- back was fired this week after four seasons with his alma mater. While the Bruins played with pas- sion for their outgoing coach and kept it clos- er than many thought they would, it was not enough to over- come the Ducks , who head to a BCS bowl for the third straight season.

Darron Thomas threw for yards and three touchdowns, be- coming Oregons career leader with 63 TD passes. Oregon and UCLAwere the in- augural participants in the title game, born this season when the league expanded to 12 teams. The eighth-ranked Ducks won the North Division. By ANNE. Bridge MON. All Purpose Tubes Full Flavor, ct. Kings , and Sunday, Dec. Tryouts are free of charge for serious inquiries only. Future dates are scheduled in December on the weekends as well. Call to reserve a spot.

On Saturday, tryouts for boys in grades will be held at 10 a. On Sunday, grade girls will tryout at 10 a. Register online at lightningboltbball. The Kingston Recreation Center is accepting registrations for youth indoor soccer league to be played Saturdays starting Dec. Age groups are , , and For more information, call the King- ston Recreation Center at Age groups are , , , and The league starts Dec. For more information, call or stop by the Kingston Recreation Center to sign up.

The Moosic Mets Baseball 17U Showcase Team is now accepting online registrations for their up- coming winter tryout for the season. Players graduating in years to are eligible. For more information and to register, visit www. Main Street, Ashley.

Help support the boys basketball team. Great food, raffles, and fun! For more information call Nominations of officers will be accepted as well as plans for the upcoming season. All parents of soccer players in grades 8th through 11th are encouraged to attend. Nanticoke Little League will meet Dec. All parents, coaches, and managers from Newport and Nanticoke Little Leagues are urged to attend. For more information, call Wade at South Valley fastpitch will be meet- ing on Monday, Dec. All coaches and interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Input is being sought from everyone in- terested on the addition of the new Babe Ruth Extreme Softball League. For more information, call Steve at Plans for the upcoming season and the continuation of the booster club will be discussed. All parents of any girls basketball players from grades are encouraged to attend. Basketball will be having basketball tryout for the spring or The full tryout schedule is listed online at www.

Please email firmacbasketball gmail. Items may be faxed to , emailed to tlsports timesleader. A game is circled for a va- riety of reasons, withtheprimefactor beinganinjury.

When a game is inside a circle, there is limited wa- gering. The line could move a fewpoints in either di- rection, depending on the severity probable, ques- tionable, doubtful, out of the injury. Marys-CA 4. Louis QB Sam Bradford questionable. FDU-Florham at Kings, 3 p. Johnson at Luzerne CCC, 3 p. Manhattanville at Misericordia, 3 p.

Manhattanville at Misericordia, 1 p. Wilkes at Messiah Petrofes Invitational, 11 a. Georgia, at At- lanta p. Clemson, at Charlotte, N. Wisconsin, at Indianapolis 10 p. YES Longwood at Virginia p. MSG N. CSN Philadelphia at Phoenix p.

PLUS2 N. Released F Adam Presiz- niuk. Islanders at Chicago, late St. Toronto at Boston, 7 p. Ottawa at Washington, 7 p. Pittsburgh at Carolina, 7 p. New Jersey at Winnipeg, 7 p. Rangers at Tampa Bay, 7 p. Chicago at St. Louis, 8 p.

Buffalo at Nashville, 8 p. Philadelphia at Phoenix, 8 p. Islanders at Dallas, p. Calgary at Edmonton, 10 p. Florida at San Jose, p. Sunday's Games Detroit at Colorado, 8 p. Minnesota at Anaheim, 8 p. Calgary at Vancouver, 9 p. Albany at Bridgeport, 7 p. Connecticut at Springfield, 7 p. Providence at Manchester, 7 p. He further declared that all accounts on tho books of. Is a bucket sho? At the same 3 tractors. After today, the meetings will be that jii i u 1 1. Follow, emergencies, as a cane Are as a tinue until Friday evening.

Delegates the other ai-- , """. It is doubt- - and registered the convention heaa- - ' " su yri.. Si and ds as high as 43 being the then introduced the week's program.! Cane loaders fitted to caterpillars Hp then Introduced William O. Smith welcomed the visiting from and returns: 'loves bridges engineers and chemists, and reminded and old buildings; note is like them, that the entire sugar Industry 1 looked toward these experts as the Heading figures in the work.

The xslose relationship between chemist and en-- Igineer was the expert, woo laid the that in the credit for , developments andi. Tractors Doing Big Work Mr. Smith related several interest Ing facts regarding the work on the first plantations the Islands. In tbe Koloa plantation on La-hai- na was opened, closely followed the plantation Maul. In those days there were no irrigation facilities and no artificial fertilization. The chemist and the engineer to the artisan, stated Mr.

Smith, inasmuch as they create. The artisan may think the laboratory efforts of such men as chemists and engineers futile and idle, said the speaker, but the entire future of industry, the utilization of waste materials and new discoveries and inventions that will aid the work and humanity, will be only trained mind. At the close of Mr. Authorities'stated the caterpillar wm con- - meetings can conventions to,,, locomotive new In nahu Islands to its at the the stated, beach '73 was the hue nimir was the con-- 1 Wlch.

Emergency beii work, notably irrigat- perch ing higher levels daring recent dry its its spells, mitigated the severity of the drought to a considerable extent. The 40 h. This machine leaves each fur- - great stress upon fact row shape, to plant without further past noe gang, ana the for future nan an gang lay on Kauai by oh are related are the accomplished by the another room, where their meeting was held.

Chairman Andrews then appointed K. Kopke as acting chairman of the engineers' meeting. Captain George Clark. The music for the occasion was especially good. The Apollo Club was in perfect harmony and accord in its rendering of Kipling's "Recessional" to the beautiful setting by Reginald De Koven. Charles Hall and Mrs. George Brown, were their best, Mrs. Hall singing "Rest in the Lord. Brown the hymn, "Abide With Me. District Attorney S. Huber made the memorial address, speaking with a depth and sincerity of feeling.

After a resume of the war, and the terrible atrocities that led up to America's joining the Allied forces, he said : "If you look Into the pages of history you will find that wars have been waged and men have fought since time began for but two reasons.

One is selfish ambition, which covers brutal greed,a thirst for power and a desire to require at the expense of life and honor what rightfully belongs to another. That is the first reason-t- hat Is German's cause. The other reason men fight is for protection, for life and home and liberty that is our reason for being in this war.

Is it any wonder that America joined the war to beat back this common foe of humanity Germany? We could not sit back and see these smaller and weaker nations trampled under foot. That is why I have tried to picture to you the cause for which these twenty-eigh- t men died.

A second-han- d touring car. Ford preferred. Address Box , Star-Bulleti- n office. Day ask. Oculists' prescriptions filled.

Broken lenses duplicated. Expert frame adjustments. Service Honolulu, T. Banking service in both domestic and foreign fields is offered by this Bank, which is equipped to handle your business in a satisfactory and efficient manner. Here are some of them! J7' it' i I I : 0 :V';-;;v- 'o ", t: " V?. They need that b! If you are frail, lanjraid, delicate or nervous, take '. Scott' Emulsion after meals far one month. DoYou - r Realize - w - you are using one-lia- lf more gas than is really necessary to do your cooking?

Buy aWizard Gacaver Today '.. It will reduce your I gas consumption 40 to 50 per cent. II: v ';. S:'r:' ; :,. Maul and Molokai of married life, her husband Phued their part in the second Lib- - forced! Into ' ,. Ue r'ik. Kemp, the. Hawai- - Robert F. Stever, chairman of the Ian. He pleaded liberty loan campaign, stated this not guilty. Attorney I L.

Burr was morning that Maui contributed? Hawaii about I20C. The ceremony was on Thursday, and on Saturday evening her husband led her to an automobile containing four soldiers and a glrL ' "My husband told me, to go out and assist Lin; to search for money," the girl testified. The fourth soldier was with the other girL the girl testified. On the following Monday night she went out again, this time with four soldiers. We went - to - Moanalua - and my husband went along.

When we got there he stayed In the machine. Her husband , went along and took the money, she testified. I ir J: 7 oieriaia ment to given foenlisted men on Wednesday evening in the parish house at St Andrews want it general ly understood - that the young, people of. Naturally, the soldiers do " not want tojgo to a social evening where they will meet only each other. The organ recital for soldiers, which will be given at 5 Jn the afternoon, is' also open to the public.

The supper in the parish house Is for enlisted men only and the ladies who wJU serve them. Restarick and the ladies of the guild who will be her helpers, especially urge the young people of the church to attend the social evening that will follow, the supper. Stever this morning, Five thousand Liberty Bond but-tons arrived this morning and those wfao are wearing Uberty Loan badges ftnd wishing to exchange them for buttons can do so by applying at the Henry vaterhouse Co.

Tenney Peck, who has been working overtime on Hawaii's Liberty Loan'ever since it started. It is believed ' here that while the schedule worked-out- - by the shipping board will tend to decrease rates in most places in the world it will have entirely a different effect regarding the Hawaiian service because of the low freight rate maintained bv the Matson company ever since the war began.

The shippine men who prophesr an increase in freight rates, however, do not contend that the rates wUl natur- - ally be the maximum amount, allowed for the better class of steamers for the Hawaii trade, but a tonnage rate will be equitable. The official an nouncement of the rates stated that they 'were tenatlye and - that - the-r- e sults of operation were to be care-full- y exainined. The rates on passenger steamers are as follows in ton gross register: Class "A" 10 to ll knots S' 9.

The vessels embraced in the requisition, except In so far as actually required for governmcnt servlce, will be left In the hands of the present owners to be operated for government account, bu.

The hoard will careiully examine the results of operations under. V the S requisition rates and from the resulU f"5 as certified by expert examiners will determine upon suca revision as fair and equitable treatment of the owners of the requisitioned vessels may re-quire. Revisions will be made. If reas-ons therefor are found to exist, at in- - tervals ot not! In S cases. In which for any reason. It; Is S more convenient for the government EE to securer the marine risk, the usual rate for such Insurance win be deduct-- 1 7.

Hosiery, regularly 35c nunareqs oi simuar parg in all our lines; in va9s Star Elks Bldg. Ukulelle u : " v. Remember that mail to reach Europe1 must be posted not Jater than It ovember! Splendid bathing, golf, tennis, glass-botto- m boats, lowing. Wesell : all the; feeds menv"tloned above; rbesides several mixv. Dolliars ; should be put to work.

They have earning' power. In a saying account in this strong bank not only will they rwr earn money in interest, but will enjoy sound security :.

A cosMrtlca of tocuicli mitt la ti bowels oces-tic- as Aiirtr. The racst effectiro rnaed? Csldwall's Eyrcp Pep-st- a. Zt costs calr fifty cents a bottle. Is tnlld la its action, does not grlpo or strain, and trtnrs re- lief Qiucily in an easy, natural manner. A trial bottle can be obtained free of cherye by writlns; to Dr.

Blatt now at Union St. We M ak e a Specialty of remodeling ycur old Jewelry. Platinum Jewelry tc order. As good as can be made by the best firms on the coast. Culman Co. Geary and Ttylcr 8t. President v Jbadiah BIch.

Pheae 4MI ' - m i - 12 Noon at the offices of F. Belser, Mrr. Quns SL ;. But no definite reply as to the amount of space which will be available could be given to the shippers or intended passengers, as no information has yet been gained 'from the steamer. This has not yet been answered. Banana shippers are those most interested in getting freight sent out on the Columbia, it is asserted.

In the holds the Columbia will have space for tons of cargo and may be able to take out a large shipment of bananas on her upper decks. The Columbia, is one of the ships which was brought under American register under a shipping act of ll14, but which did not permit her to engage In coastwise traffic. The same was true of the Ecuador, which has also been granted a coastwise suspension by the shipping board, but she had no freight for Honolulu when she arrived here last Saturday.

Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, just an appli ration or two of Saee and Sulphur en nances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't totherto Drepare the mixture; you can get this famous old recipe lm-nroved bv the addition of other mgre dients. It is called Wyetn-- s Sage and Sulphur, Compound. This ran alwavs be deDended uncn to bring lack the natural color and. Everybody uses'Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied.

You simnlv dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and drawthls throughJ the hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair has riisanneared. This rpadv-to-us- e Dreoaration Is a delight ful toilet requisite for those who de sire dark hair and a youthful appearance.

It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevent of disease. He was within the speed limits, sounding his born properly and trying to keep on the right side of the street. Kidd's treasure,. Kidd isn't the only man who has put his money into real estate ' and couldn't get it out' SL Louis Post-Dispatc- h. The Irmandade de Nossa Senhora do Monte will hold a meeting at the secretary's residence, Kallhi-uka- , on November 1, , at p.

All members are requested to attend. Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound has brought joy to many childless women by restoringthem to normal health. Here is a notable case. Omaha, Neb. At eighteen I was married and my trouble was no better so I consulted a physician who said that there was not much I could do and I could not have children. Pinkham'a Vegetable : Compound.

Hughes,19 Majestic Apts. In many ether homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia HL Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong. Honolulu Stock Exchange - -- : Monday, Oct SUGAR- -. Hawaiian Agr. Co Hawn. Sugar Co. Hsnofuu Sugar C. Hutchinson Sugar Plant.. Kahuku Plantation Co. Koloa Sugar Co.

McBryde Sugar Co Ltd. Paauhau Sugar Plant. Co-Paci- Sugar Milt Paia Plantation Co. Pepeekeo Sugar Co. Co Wailuku Sugar Co. Cs, Ltd. Com Hawaii Con. Hawaii, Con. Com Hawaiian Electrc Co. Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. Hr- - R. Land Co. Pahang Rubber Co. Hamakua Ditch Co. Hawaii Con.

Hawaiian Irr. Terrl 4 pc Putt Imp Haw. Terrl S. Honokaa Sugar Co. Co, 6s Dist Vz pc. Mutual Telephone 5s Oahu Sugar Co, ff pc.. Olaa Sugar Co, 6 pc Pacific Sugar Mill Co San Carlos Milling Co Between Boards: Sales: 60 Onomea, 55; Olaa, 6. Honolulu Con. Mining Co. Products; X8; 50 Engeis, 6.

Oil, ; Hon. Oil, ; M. Fort and Merchant Streets ;. The Hilo Iron Works is working overtime to aavo every thing lu readine"i when. From Osaka the mill will be sent to a plantation and assemb'ed. The can 3 u being ground as quickly as poooible; thuj minimizing the loss. Phone Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.

Fort and Streets lift Jc 12 your surfnus capital ii your own and your fam ily's welfare. Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks issued on principal points. Capital subscribed. Prices low. Houses built on instalment plan. Telephone r. List of Officers and Directors:. President G. Vice-Preside- nt a.. Vice-Preside- nt E. Treasurer' GEO. Director ,CH.. Commercial ft Susr Company. Haiku Sugar C'jmpany. Paia Plantation Company.

Hawaiian , Sugar Comptny. Honolua Ranch. This would enable the storekeeper to know how much fish to have ;-- ; ; in stock, , Telephone 1!! For example: Two weeks ago our sampan No. These have paid number trips which they make fewer. Owing to the j Fort St limitations of space at the club, the ; v, omen found themselves unable to ex tend a general Invitation to all. A full program has been prepared. Catholic IS Church.

Sake is st:ii being imported into i Honolulu. The lor. And, with all of this, the question of whether the Japanese drink comes within the provisions of the liquor clsuse in the national food law, remain? Child, federal food administrator tor Hawaii, has taken no new stand on the question of whether imports! Arrangements Mrs. Swanzy, of sake shall be barred, or chairman.

When the Refreshments Mrs. Andrew Fuller, chairman; Mrs. C Brown, Mrs. Gardner Wilkins. Eben Low Hallowe'en stunts Mrs. Isaac Cox, Mrs. Wilbur MacNeil. As ance to the women to make the sol- far as can be learned, he still maindiers' party a success. The use of tains this stand. A sup here for 'the 'manufacture of sake is per will be provided. Swanzy emphasizes that all been made that the local manufacture members of the Women's Auxiliary would have no effect on the United are asked to attend.

He has with the signal corps. Alexan- had rapid advancement since enlist der's knowledge of photography, and ing in Canada some weeks ago. Young his training In everything connected Ballentyne was bom in Canada and with the photographer's art, would never acquired American citizenship.

Ballentyne the aviation corps, says the captain and a nephew of p. Ballentyne ot Me Is particularly anxious to enter this city. Iaukca, secretary of the territory, has received the itinerary of the party on Hawaii as prepared by the coiaxltteo from that Island. The committee proposes the following: Leaving Honolulu on Kilauea November 10 for Napoopoo, party arriving Sunday morning. Travel overland through Kbna. Twenty of party re main overnight Sunday to visit country districts and cotfee Others go on to Volcano.

Monday, November 12 Twenty from Koua journey on to join rest of party at Volcano. Whole party spent night there. Reception and dance at nighi. November 14 Railw. Speeches al armory. Thursday, November 13 Lunch at Hilo Tacht club. Banquet at Hilo hotel at night. Fifteen Urge passenger automobiles, a trouble car and a baggage car will meet the party at Napoopoo on its ar rival.

There was a narrow escape from a terrible --accident which might have resulted fatally for three persons on Saturday last at a gulch about five miles on the Hilo side of Honokaa.

The car of Stanley Thomas, late manager of the Kukui- - haele plantation store, and in which Thomas,, his wife and baby were pro ceeding to Hilo, swerved off the road and dashed for the side of the pall over which a drop of feet faced the party. A big rock that stands at the very edge of the pali stopped the car just as' it was taking the dive onto the rocks.

The owner of the car is reported to have thrown out of the machine and to have become unconscious. His wife, holding the baby, jumped when the big rock was struck. The car was crumpled up.

The party was picked up by another car and taken back to Honokaa. Manl, Oct. The final game - for" the Maui baseball was played off on the Wailuku diamond Sunday afternoon.

C'8 came through and won by a congressional plantations. Oriental and Bilk Crepes just arrived. Novr on display at our stow. Silks Whereas, we have about fifty boats, not over thirty of these can be used at a time for the lack of men and also on account of the scarcity of ice. Yet to the fishermen we are giving the same terms and standing the burden as auctioneers.

And as far as the public is concerned the slight increase of fish prices does not compensate us for the cost of fishing arid distribution. If we can obtain enough fish to meet the demands of the marketregardless'of the cost ,of operation fish prices will be automatically reduced.

It ij the Jaun'M i, "yietittnt ijiniittii of the mind nrjt to honor, L. The Warning On if aain tin ronunamlaiil of 1 h groat armv li ainin i amp a Aiikti'i an Lake.

Washington, has wavnnl S;ittl that muIcsh iis oinnxTcinli. In will forbid lh thousauils of al tin ramp from the citv. In the li'sjatrhfh "iMjotlogpug" is meutioncd as oik- - of tlu kinds of lawlosxiicKH against which irncral iniii is taking action, the others leing proistitutiou and gambling.

Hut Si-attl- e has Ihvu woefully lax in stopping the redlight trallir. It was this which lirst Ktirred the. The war department aud the Vubordinalc oflirers have determined that our men iu this givat war shall be trained under conditions of physical t leanliness; that there shall be no vice districts around the camps; that the men shall not be tempted by the panders and prostitutes which invariably lock to the neighborhoods of camps.

Americau Lake, which is a dozen miles or so from Tacoma. Tacoma is re-s rte- to have done its part, but Seattle, lesf than 0 miles away and easily reached by train and electric car. Hence the stern warning that unless Seattle cleans up, the soldiers will not be allowed to visit there.

A situation similar to that in the northwest ex- ists in Honolulu. We have got to clean up this-cit- y morally and physically and keep it clean. Does Honolulu want the unenviable reputation that Seattle is gaining? Docs Honolulu want to be exhibited to the world as a city which fosters vice in defiance of the expressed desire and purpose of the war 'How long before the civil authorities here will wake to the danger of laxity and incompetence and take radical notion?

Must they wait until military authority is forced to take charge in defense of the lives and health of American soldiers? Almost every district, hill, midland and lowland, of two feet. Don't laugh, folks. This has gone beyond a joke. It is time for the board of health and its anti-mosquit- o cohorts to get busy and miuce the casualties. The London publication commends the article as interesting and full of valuable facts. Vhen America 4s at the height of her military development, when Russia has rallied, and when the whole power of the Allies Is at its maximum, we will strike the Mow; and that blow will be fatal to the Eoche.

So writes Sergeatt James G. Meek, Honolulu man now with the British army in " 2 'ranee. Sergeant Meek. In writing to his Honolulu friends, describes his life in the trenches, and gives a vivid description of the battle lines. His regiment is In the front line trenches, knee-dee-p in mad and slime, exposed to the continual rains of the low countries, always fighting, but waiting for the day when the command shall be given for the drive "on to Berlin.

Japanese girl servant was iiujiht iu the midst of his tih with the "ill and is now lodged in a jMlie station n il. It is believed also that he is a sneak-thie- f and burglar. Of his guilt of assault with a deadly weapon there appears to le no doubt, iuasmui h as he was taken actually in the struggle with his intended victim. This man should get the limit. If the farts are as now supposed.

Am with the publicity that will go with a stern prose In two mvut cases men who have no connection with the ioIice force have taught criminals. Las week a milkman was responsible for the arrest o the Korean furniture thief who has been operating with the most audacious boldness and success.

Clean up the crime! Lishmau, a well known and popular young mau of the city, is dead from injuries receiv on in an entirely needless auto accident. All the sorrow of his family and regret of his friends wil not bring back the life that is gone, but the tragedy should serve as an eloquent warning against heed less driving.

Honolulu has had a long record o A rerrinie auto smashups in recent rears. Until reck less driving is eliminated, the roll of death wil grow. A detailed statement, too long for full publica 4 : i i j. Abroad and at home it is doing a vast dutv Perhaps the most impressive fact cited is that the Red Cross work costs over f, ier week, or f2o a minute, and it covers not only the Allied coun tries but far reaches of lands barely touched by civilization.

In addition to the mental strain of following these army movements all over Euroie, we are now burdened with the duty of trying to keep track of confessions and retractions by our home crop of murderers. All those in favor of exchanging the Maui, Mat soma and uilhelmina for the" coasting steamers in-wet- s, rejKrts swarms and clouds of the pestiferous Governor and President sav ave!

We are top deg now. Today we look down from Messines on about twenty miles of enemy-occupie- d country. The song, "Deutschland Uber Alles," is inappropriate now.

We will stop on the high ground and look around. The sergeant has been granted a short leave of absence, he writes, and he is going to visit London and Scotland. He will visit all the theaters and take in all the sights, he declares. He asks bow the people in Hawaii feel toward the war, and sends his "aloha" to his friend".

He tried for a commission in the Indian army, but was not selected. The sergeant sent a program of a "trench theater," showing the kind of entertainment the men in the trenches are furnished. The performances are gotten up and carried cut by the soldiers and are held every evening. A matinee is given on Saturdays. The programs are regularly printed and true to form, even to the warning, U.

After awhile this fact will Ienetrate to'Potsdain. Winter fights for the Russians on the east, but Italy must fight for herself in the south. Italy needs another Garibaldi. And they have been biceer one3 than usual, too. Just baseball team of Maui wants to come xrtiy no extensive advances are being to Hilo for a game, according to made along the French front, althourh Charlie Green.

Charlie says that the the English have a large reserve force. When national guard, and it would have to selected his defensive lines 1 e eneiuy be a pick-u- p nine that would meet he picked most of the edposi-tion- s the Maui beys. For two years he xit-- ' Gained ihe water t4. German militarists continue to rail The sergeant ends by advising the.





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I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Andre Da Costa Volunteer Moderator. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Alternatively, if you wish to perform a clean fresh install of Windows 10 with the Creators Update included you can download the ISO file directly from Microsoft.

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